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If your relationship with your bae ended like how everyone stopped going out during the quarantine real-quick, scroll down.

If your bae who used to be on fire every time, you are together turned into ice-cold since you were separated by lockdown, scroll down.

If lately, you feel so unvalued & forgotten, then your relationship has its thrill slowly fading, scroll down.

If you cried during nighttime reading previous sweet messages from your bae that once tickled every system of your body. You realized that all you can do was to reminisce everything because it will not happen again, scroll down.

Now that you have reached this part of the article, with the assumption that your everyday Valentine’s Day with your bae became a freaking April Fools. Status: Taken for Granted!

As much as we want to be sorry for whoever you are, my reader, we want to congratulate you for enduring the pain in reading those first few lines above. Now, it is about time to unload your worries and dump that martyr part of yours, as we are about to get your status changed. We will find a better bae that is fitted with what you are looking for. Nature got you covered!

If you want to experience how it feels to be protected again, Tuka Marine Park in Kiamba, Sarangani Province has a place for you.

Tuka Marine Park
Photo Courtesy of Kubo Ni Toya Kiamba Sarangani Province

To ensure the preservation of this marine sanctuary; coral planting and fish feeding are done occasionally. Tuka Marine Park is made up of four protected coves and delicately preserved without taking the public the chance to feel its beauty. Blue mirror-like water and the white sand beach will welcome your sight— but do not get so contented.

Tourists can see the rich coral reefs and a variety of fishes through swimming, diving, and snorkeling. The reason for this is that if something really is protected like what the local government of Kiamba did, the results will not just be above the surface.

Miss the excitement and thrill of falling in love? Why say no to the same pleasure and adventure given to you by Maitum Sarangani Province’ White-water Tubing Adventure?

Photo Courtesy of  Facebook

Re-experience the delight of falling not for the wrong person but on the rapids and drops of 1.6-kilometer Pangi River. Up and down you go! Divert your stronghold ability onto the inflated tube and do not let your fear of getting hurt stop you. Instead, shout your heart out and let the speedy river bring your burden with it.

No relationship is as perfect as a balanced one, isn’t it? Too much sweetness would be monotonous; too much fight is tiresome, and too much time is choking while no time at all is irritating. Too much jealousy is nonsense but too much trust seems like having no care at all. An ideal relationship should have the right amount of hot and cold: the exact trait that Lake Agco possesses.

Photo Courtesy of Camacho FamBam

Found in North Cotabato is the “Eden” of Kidapawan City. Lake Agco has a pool of boiling sulfuric mud and water heated by volcanic outlets from Mt. Apo veins. On the contrary, the lake is located 1,250 meters above sea level giving the tourists a taste of cold weather. Hot mud and water + cold weather is oddly a perfect match!

Oops! If you think that is it? Well, you must not. It is just the tip of the ice burg, baby!

Now, close your eyes and remember, the way your bae used to say how valuable you were. Indulge yourself with the feeling of being important to someone—of being the choice and not the option. Being the priority rather than being the excess baggage.

“No one would ever make me feel so important like what my bae did.” you may think about it, but I beg yours disagree.

Photo Courtesy Traveller Erol

Located at Barangay Lake Siloton are the seven waterfalls of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato. The water that flows down comes from Lake Sebu which is an important watershed of the region. Then, from the lake, it goes down Lonon River going through the thirty-five feet Hikong Alo proceeding to the seventy feet Hikong Bente which are the most accessible ones out of the seven falls. After passing the second falls, it will then flow down through Hikong B’lebel, Hikong Lowig, Hikong Ukol, Hikong K’Fo-I and the seventh falls Hikong Tonok. These later stated falls requires effort but can be easily seen through… wait for it… A ZIP LINE FROM FALLS FIRST TO SEVENTH! Take note: The Seven Falls Zipline is the highest in Southeast Asia.

Lake Sebu Zipline
Photo Courtesy of Shiela Mae Naungayan

After reaching the last falls, look at the water, feel it with your hands or perhaps dip yourself in it. Shower yourself with the water that came from an important watershed and traveled a long way just for you. Feeling like a VIP, aren’t you?

“My bae’s so tedious. No dynamics, no mysteries. “You may rant nevertheless don’t blame your bae if he doesn’t have that mysterious effect in you because your bae is not as the Majestic Asik-Asik Falls!

Photo Courtesy of Zaldy Diverson

This mysterious fall never revealed itself until 2010. It is just said that the residence of Sitio Dulao came across this fall after the saga of flood and forest fires two years later when a mass of forest hiding it got destroyed. The existence and even where its water come from is a total mind-blowing thing! Unlike any other falls that the water flows down from a river or lake, Asik-Asik falls’ water surprisingly comes from rocks! People just then concluded that it may come from springs deep inside the mountain or perhaps an underground river.

The falls have sixty-meter-high walls and covered with green mosses and ferns with a width of a hundred-forty meter. It has a shallow and rocky pool which is a part of the Alamada River. Going up, you can ride the habal-habal and step into 376 step-stair.

When your feet feel like they are going to fall with all the steps, do not believe in it. Because no one’s feet really fall. Remember you have a skeletal and muscular system, right. The top view of Asik-Asik falls will make all the pain mysteriously vanish, just like that after the hardship of climbing it.

Pain is always part of love. That is why love has a direct relationship with pain, statistically. There is no such thing as “someone who won’t hurt me” because everyone will. You must know who is worthy of your tears. Love is not about being happy alone, because it is not as easy as how it spelled. There is always a variety of complications between L-O-V-E. Nonetheless, give yourself a break because honey, you aren’t taken for granted anymore. Status: In Relationship with SOX’s Top 5 Tourist Spots.

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